[Comedias] CFP for AHCT Virtual Symposium + Comedia Performance

AHCT Listserv comedias at comedias.org
Mon Nov 23 14:19:27 CST 2020

Dear AHCT members:

We would like to remind you that the 2021 AHCT Symposium will be held virtually in July 2021. The CFP and all other pertinent information can be found on the website here: http://www.wordpress.comedias.org/ahct-almagro-2021/ (Spanish version here: http://www.wordpress.comedias.org/ahct-almagro-2021-2/)

We will also have a special issue of Comedia Performance dedicated to the same topics:

Comedia Performance: Journal of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater
CFP Special Issue: Recasting the Comedia: Confronting the Challenges of the 21st Century (Selected papers from the 2021 Association for Hispanic Classical Theater/Almagro Festival Virtual Conference)

Guest Editors:
Erin Alice Cowling (MacEwan University) cowlinge at macewan.ca
Esther Fernández (Rice University) ef14 at rice.edu
Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas (Ohio Wesleyan University) gynietoc at owu.edu

Full Drafts: September 1, 2021
Editors will return revisions by October 1, 2021
Revised papers submitted to CP online system: October 30, 2021
Expected Publication: April 2022

Special Topics:

Theater Practicalities: Innovation, translation and pedagogical collaborations: How can performance, experiential learning and outreach contribute to students’ better understanding of the Spanish comedia? How can digital media be used to enhance learning outcomes?  How can practitioners and scholars collaborate to make the study of the comedia more accessible and effective to students? What are the main challenges and limits of translating for the English-speaking stage? What decisions are practitioners making when translating their own Spanish adaptations into English and how these are transforming their productions?

The Intersectional Comedia: Questions of Race, Gender, Class on the Stage: How are non-centered groups represented in the comedia? Where do these categories converge and diverge? How can we tackle these questions about the comedia through the lens of the twenty-first century? How does the comedia’s social context influence our perception of gender/race/class when we read or view it? What non-canonical works should we be incorporating in our classrooms and our investigations that might pose answers to these questions—or more questions, themselves? In terms of performance, is it still possible to have all male/all white companies? What concerns should companies take into consideration when they perform characters of the Other? Is it still valid to employ terms such as the “Other” or the “Subaltern” or do we need to find new theoretical approaches to discuss current performance practices and/or readings of the comedia as it relates to diverse characters?

The Comedia under Siege: Confinements, Digitalization, and the Future: This working group intends to examine a variety of proposals that have been carried out in Spain and Latin America in order to keep the comedia afloat during a rigorous confinement and to evaluate the contributions of these creations. It is important to discuss what this implies for an inherently live medium such as the theatre. How do we process this virtual “fifth wall” applied to the performance of classical texts? How companies have coped with more than three months of closure and what are the implications of performing with a reduced capacity? Has COVID-19 made us rethink an alternative form of theatre?

Please contact myself, Glenda Nieto-Cuebas or Esther Fernández with any question.

Best, Erin
Dr. Erin Alice Cowling, PhD
Assistant Professor/Coordinator, Spanish
Department of Humanities
MacEwan University
7-352F, 10700-104 Avenue
Edmonton, AB, Canada T5J 4S2
cowlinge at macewan.ca<mailto:cowlinge at macewan.ca>
T: 780-497-5844

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