This bibliography that follows here is a very limited one.
It consists of a list of works that I used as a general basis
when teaching my course on the comedia. As such it
reflects items intended for general use and was designed to help
students get a general feeling for the subject areas I wanted to
teach in that course. Students were alerted in class to the
strengths, weaknesses and general contents of these selections
and warned that they were a group of "starting places" rather
than a thorough basis for study. The location numbers provided
here are those for the library at the University of Arizona's
library. As usual, if you have any further suggestions for
materials to be added or find a typographical or coding error,
please write to This listing, as
limited as it must be, will be updated from time to time. A long
range plan is being formulated to update and bring the more
complete bibliographic files donated by Richard Tyler to the web-
site but that project may have to await funding.
Vern Williamsen
1. Libros y artículos sobre el teatro y el teatro como
- Elam, Keir, The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama (1980) PN1631.E4
- Freytag, Gustav, The Technique of the Drama (1868, 1968) 808.2/F89t/tM1/1896
- Levin, Richard, Old Readings vs. New Plays (1979)
- Olson, Elder, The Theory of Comedy (1968) PN1922.O4/1968
- Olson, Elder, Tragedy and the Theory of Drama (1961) 809.2/O52
- Styan, John L., Drama, Stage and Audience (1975) PN1655.S74
- --------------, The Elements of Drama (1960) PN1965.S75/1969
- --------------, Modern Drama in Theory and Practice (198?), PN1861.S76
2. Libros y artículos sobre el teatro español
del Siglo de Oro en general:
- John J. Allen, The Reconstruction of a Spanish Golden Age Playhouse: El Corral del Príncipe (1583-1744) (1983). NA6840.S72/M3233/1983
- Asensio, Eugenio, Itinerario del entremés desde Lope de Rueda a Quiñones de Benavente (1965) PQ6064.A8
- Bentley, Eric, "The Universality of the Comedia," Hispanic Review, 38 (1970), 147-62. PQ6001.H5
- Crawford, J. P. W., The Spanish Drama before Lope de Vega (1922 , revised 1967) PQ6104.C7/1967
- Hermenegildo, Alfredo, La tragedia en el Renacimiento español (1973) PQ6119.H4
- Parker, Alexander A., The Approach to the Spanish Drama of the Golden Age (1957)
- Rennert, Hugo A., The Spanish Stage in the Time of Lope de Vega (1909) PN2782.R4
- Reichenberger, Arnold G., "The Uniqueness of the Comedia [I]," Hispanic Review, 27 (1959), 303-316. PQ6001.H5
- -------------, "The Uniqueness of the Comedia [II]" Hispanic Review, 38 (1970), 163-73. PQ6001.H5
- Shergold, N.D., A History of the Spanish Stage (1967) PN2782.S45/1967
- Williamsen, Vern G., The Minor Dramatists of Seventeenth-Century Spain (1982) PQ6105/W47
- Wilson, Edward M. and Duncan Moir, The Golden Age: Drama 1491-1700 (1971) PQ6064.W5
- Wilson, Margaret, Spanish Drama of the Golden Age (1969) PQ6105.W5/1969
3. Fuentes Bibliográficas:
- Barrera y Leirado, Cayetano A. de la, Catálogo bibliográfico y biográfico del teatro antiguo español desde sus orígenes hasta mediados del siglo XVII (1860, 1968 and 1969) Z2694.D7B3/1968 (Main Reference)
- Bulletin of the Comediantes, PQ6001.B83 (Main Current Periodicals for recent numbers)
- Grismer, Raymond L., Bibliography of the Drama in Spain and Spanish America, 2 vols., Z2694.D7G7 (Main Reference)
- McCready, Warren T., Bibliografía temática de estudios sobre el teatro español antiguo (1966) Z2694.D7M15 (Main Reference)
- Paz y Melia, Antonio, Catálogo de las piezas de teatro que se conservan en el departamento de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional Z2694.D7M2/1934
- PMLA, (International Bibliography) PB1 (Main Reference)
- Reynolds, John J., and Szilvia E. Szmuk, Spanish Golden Age Drama: An Annotated Bibliography of United States Disseertations (1899-1992, with a Supplement of Non-United States Dissertations. New York:MLA, 1998.
- Simón Díaz, José, Manual de bibliografía de la literatura española (1968 and later) Z2691.S54
- Simón Díaz, José, Bibliografía de la Literatura Hispánica, PQ6010.S55
- Simón Palmer, María del Carmen, Manuscritos dramáticos del siglo de oro de la biblioteca del Instituto del Teatro de Barcelona (1977) Z2685.C9 v.34
- Year's Work in Modern Language Studies PB1.Y45 (Main Reference)
4. Libros de consulta general:
- Aguado Bleye, Pedro. Manual de Historia de España (1963) DP66.A4/1963
- Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (19th edition) PC4625.A3/1970
- Alonso Pedraz, Martín, Enciclopedia del Idioma PC4667.A4 (Main Reference)
- Joan Corominas, Diccionario Crítico Etimológico castellano e hispano PC4580.C6/1980 (Main Reference)
- Correas, Gonzalo de, Vocabulario de refranes y frases proverbiales N6491.C60, or PN6490.C7/1924
- Covarrubias, Sebastián de, Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana o Española (1611 and various editions to 1984) PC4620/C7/1943 (Main Reference)
- Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Espasa AE61.E6 (Main Reference)
- Montoto y Rautenstrauch, Luis, Personajes, personas y personillas que corren por las tierras de ambas Castillas (1911 and re-edited 1922-24) PN7498.P4.M6
- Real Academia Española de la Lengua, Diccionario de Autoridades PC4797.A32/1963
- -------------, Diccionario histórico de la lengua española PC4625.A35/1933 (Main Reference)
- Stevens, John, A New Spanish and English Dictionary PC4640.A288/1706 (Special Collections)
- Velázquez de la Cadena, M., Pronouncing Dictionary of Spanish and English (1852). PC4640.V51/1852
5. Materias críticas y teóricas:
- Alonso, Dámaso, Poesía española, ensayo de métodos y límites estilísticos (1966) PQ6064.A7/1966
- Alter, Robert B., Partial Magic: The Novel as a Self Conscious Genre (1975) PN3340.A4
- Brownstein, Oscar L. and Darlene M. Daubert, Analytical Sourcebook of Concepts in Dramatic Theory (1981) Z5781.B84
- Casa, Frank P. and Michael D. McGaha. Editing the Comedia (1985), and Editing the Comedia, II (199?) Not in library
- Chevalier, Maxime, Folklore y literatura: el cuento oral en el Siglo de Oro (1978) PQ6066.C48
- Eagleton, Terry, Literary Theory (1983) PN45.E28/1983
- Porqueras Mayo, Alberto and Federico Sánchez Escribano, Preceptiva dramática española del renacimiento y el barroco (1968) 862.303/S211
- --------------, La teoría poética en el renacimiento y manierismo españoles (1986) PQ6081.P63/1986
6. Textos:
- Biblioteca de Autores Españoles PQ6171.A2B6 (297 volumes, with index to vols. 1-69 in vol. 70, and 71-224 in vol. 225)
- Cotarelo y Mori, Emilio, Colección de Entremeses, loas, bailes, jácaras y mojigangas desde fines de siglo XVI a mediados del XVIII (1911) Not in library
- Moll, Jaime, Catálogo de comedias sueltas conservadas en la biblioteca de la Real Academia Española (1966) Z2694/D7.A3
- Regueiro, José M., Spanish Drama of the Golden Age: a catalogue of the comedia collection in the University of Pennsylvania Libraries Z2694.D7R5 [The index to the following item) Spanish Drama Collection of the University of Pennsylvania (Main Microfilms)
[See also the related "Bibliography of Bibliographies: Locations
and Holdings of Comedia Texts" reachable from the Home Page]
7. Sobre la comedia en el teatro
- Greer, Margaret Rich, and John Varey, El teatro palaciego en Madrid: 1586-1787.
Estudio y documentos. London: Tamesis, 1997.
- Lohmann Villena, Guillermo, Historia del arte dramático en
Lima durante el virreinato. (Universidad Católica del Perú,
Lima, 1941). Not in library(?)
- Ruano de la Haza, José María, and John Allen, Los teatro comerciales
del siglo XVII y la escenificación de la comedia.
- Varey, J. E. and Lucian Garcí Lorenzo, Teatro y vida teatral
en el Siglo de Oro. (1991) PN2782.T425/1991
- Varey, J. E. and N. D. Shergold, Comedias en Madrid 1603-1709,
repertorio y estudio bibliográfico. (1989) PN2786.M3/V.37.
- .............................., Representaciones palaciegas 1603-1699.
(1982) PN2782.S453/1982
- .............................., Teatros y comediantes en Madrid .....
(Varios tomos tratando varios años), PN2786.M3...
8. Materias sobre autores o temas:
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
- Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, Comedias: A facsimile edition, ed. D.W. Cruickshank and J.E. Varey (19 vols., 1973) PQ6281.A2/1973
- --. Obras completas, edición Aguilar, 3 vols. (1951-) 862.35/1951
- Hesse, Everett W., Calderón de la Barca (1967) PQ6309.H4
- Hilborn, Henry Warren, A Chronology of the Plays by D. Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1938) 862.35Z/H64
- Parker, Jack H., and Arthur M. Fox, Calderón de la Barca Studies 1951-69. Z8140.5/C35
Castro, Guillén de
- Castro, Guillén de, Obras de don Guillén de Castro y Bellvís, ed. Eduardo Juliá Martínez, 3 vols. (1925-27) 862.32/1925
- Wilson, Margaret, Guillén de Castro (1973) PQ6321.C7/Z29
Hurtado de Mendoza, Antonio
- Davies, Gareth, A Poet at Court: Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza (1971) PQ6398.H9/Z82
Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor
- Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sister, Obras completas (1969) PQ7296.J6/1969
- --. Poesía, teatro y prosa (1965) PQ7296.J6/A6/1965
- Paz, Octavio, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, o las trampas de la fe (1982) PQ7296.J6/z725/1982
Mira de Amescua, Antonio
- Castañeda, James, Antonio Mira de Amescua (1977) PQ6413.M7/Z59
Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de
- MacCurdy, Raymond R., Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla (1968) PQ6429.R5/Z79
- --, Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla: bibliografía crítica (1965) Z2685.C9 vol. 18
Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan
- Poesse, Walter, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón (1973) PQ6431.R8/Z83
- --, Ensayo de una bibliografía de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Mendoza (1964) 862.34Z/P745
- Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan, Obras completas de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, ed. Agustín Millares Carlo (1957) PQ6431.R8/1957
Tirso de Molina
- Tirso de Molina, Obras dramáticas completas, 3 vols. Ed. Blanca de los Ríos Lampérez (1946-58)
- Williamsen, Vern G.,, An Annotated, Analytical Bibliography of Tirso de Molina Studies (1981) Z8864.A55 PQ6436
- Wilson, Margaret, Tirso de Molina (Twayne, 1977) PQ6436.W54
Lope de Vega
- Hayes, Francis C., Lope de Vega (1967) PQ6469.H3
- Lope de Vega, Obras escogidas 3 vols. (1958) 862.31
- Morley, Sylvanus Griswold and Courtney Bruerton, Chronology of Lope de Vega's Comedies (1941), and Cronología de las comedias de Lope de Vega (1968) PQ6479.M5816
- Parker, Jack H., and Arthur M. Fox, Lope de Vega Studies, 1937-1962 (1964) 862.31Z/P241
- Rennert, Hugo A., The Life of Lope de Vega (1905) 862.31z/R41. Edited, translated, and expanded upon by Americo Castro and published as La vida de Lope de Vega (1929 and re-published in 1968) PQ6469.R318/1968
- Vega, Lope de, Obras (1890-1905) Acad., 1-15) 862.31/v42
- --, Obras(1916-1931, Acad. N., 1-13) 862.32/1916
Vélez de Guevara, Luis
- Hauer, Mary G., Luis Vélez de Guevara: A Critical Bibliography (1974) Z8931.15/H38
- Spencer, Forrest Eugene and Rudolph Schevill, The Dramatic Works of Luis Vélez de Guevara; their plots, sources and bibliography (1937) PB13.C3/v. 19
Texto electrónico por Vern G. Williamsen
y J T Abraham
Formateo adicional por Matthew D. Stroud
Most recent update: 30 Jun 2002