This bibliography that follows here is a very limited one. It consists of a list of works that I used as a general basis when teaching my course on the comedia. As such it reflects items intended for general use and was designed to help students get a general feeling for the subject areas I wanted to teach in that course. Students were alerted in class to the strengths, weaknesses and general contents of these selections and warned that they were a group of "starting places" rather than a thorough basis for study. The location numbers provided here are those for the library at the University of Arizona's library. As usual, if you have any further suggestions for materials to be added or find a typographical or coding error, please write to This listing, as limited as it must be, will be updated from time to time. A long range plan is being formulated to update and bring the more complete bibliographic files donated by Richard Tyler to the web- site but that project may have to await funding.

Vern Williamsen

1. Libros y artículos sobre el teatro y el teatro como literatura:

2. Libros y artículos sobre el teatro español del Siglo de Oro en general:

3. Fuentes Bibliográficas:

4. Libros de consulta general:

5. Materias críticas y teóricas:

6. Textos:

[See also the related "Bibliography of Bibliographies: Locations and Holdings of Comedia Texts" reachable from the Home Page]

7. Sobre la comedia en el teatro

8. Materias sobre autores o temas:

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro

Castro, Guillén de

Hurtado de Mendoza, Antonio

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor

Mira de Amescua, Antonio

Rojas Zorrilla, Francisco de

Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan

Tirso de Molina

Lope de Vega

Vélez de Guevara, Luis

Texto electrónico por Vern G. Williamsen y J T Abraham
Formateo adicional por Matthew D. Stroud

Volver a la lista de textos

Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, Inc.

Most recent update: 30 Jun 2002