[Comedias] Fw: Fallece Director Puertorriqueño Dean M. Zayas

AHCT Listserv comedias at comedias.org
Fri Feb 4 11:50:24 CST 2022

Dear fellow comediantes,

It is with sadness that I announce the passing of Dean M. Zayas, yesterday at 3:20pm.Dean was known among us comediantes for his staging of Spanish Golden Age plays and sharing his experience at the Chamizal Theatre Festival, Festival de Almagro, and co-founder of The University of Puerto Rico,  Teatro Rodante Universitario, which I was priviledge to be part of. If you have twitter, facebook, and/or instagram (I don't) you can find all details and send you condolences to his family. Who does not remember his staging of Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardar,  Por el sotano y el torno, El alcalde de Zalamea, Habladme en Entrando,  La dama boba, y Los entremeses de Cervantes, etc.?

Fallece el laureado Maestro de Teatro, Dean M. Zayas • WIPR<https://wipr.pr/fallece-el-laureado-maestro-de-teatro-dean-m-zayas/>

Nelson Lopez

Nelson Lopez, MFA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Global Languages and Cultures
Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40205
502.272.8237 Office
502.272.7290 fax
"Learn a language and your will avoid a war" Arab Proverb
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