[Comedias] help needed

AHCT Listserv comedias at comedias.org
Thu Jul 14 09:02:02 EDT 2016

Dear AHCT Colleagues,
I am teaching a course on the comedia for undergraduate theater majors 
this fall, and am looking for a reading that deals either with the 
"leyenda negra" and/or reflects on the place of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino 
cultural production in the Anglophone world.  Would need to be in 
English; need not be specifically about the comedia or Siglo do Oro. 
Ideally, something stimulating for the start of the semester, for these 
students who have no exposure at all to our field. Any suggestions?
Am also open to any other ideas for readings that are good 
semester-starting places for students with this background.
Harley Erdman

am lookin--
Harley Erdman
Professor of Theater
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

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