[Comedias] ASTR Shakespearean Performance Research Group, Seattle 2010

Robert M Johnston Robert.Johnston at nau.edu
Fri May 7 18:22:20 EDT 2010

Dear AHCT Colleagues,

Please note this announcement from the American Society for Theater Research (ASTR), regarding their conference in Seattle in November 2010.  AHCT has made an effort in recent years to establish connections with groups devoted to theater studies, especially including ASTR.  Many thanks to Isaac Benabu for bringing this announcement to our attention.

Very cordially,
Bob Johnston
AHCT President


Call for papers: Deadline: Monday, May 31, 2010

The Shakespearean Performance Research Group of the American Society for
Theatre Research (ASTR), for the annual conference, 18-21 November,
2010, The Renaissance Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington.

The Shakespearean Performance Research Group provides an ongoing home
for the study of Shakespearean performance within ASTR.

For the 2010 conference, “Embodying Power: Work Over Time,” we seek
papers that address issues relating to the history, theory, and practice
of Shakespeare performance. While working group papers need not be tied
to the conference theme, our inquiries do engage with several areas
germane to the themes of the Seattle conference.  For example, we would
like to invite papers that, broadly speaking, interrogate the "work" of
Shakespeare performance.  We have in mind the tension, reciprocity,
overlap between several different senses of "work": the relationship
between the literary "work," the "work" on stage, and the "work" of the
professional theatre; how working on and with Shakespearean writing and
performance has been constituted historically and theoretically; the
"work" that Shakespeare performance might be said to accomplish; or the
ways in which the reputation of Shakespearean "work" has been used to
validate or legitimize performance as a profession and field of
inquiry.  As corporate entities gain nearly unlimited powers of
"speech," are there ways in which the Shakespearean literary/theatrical
corpus claims for itself powers to speak culturally in ways that may
overwhelm other voices?  We seek to interrogate such speech, work and
power, and their embodiment in Shakespearean performance.  At this
year’s conference, we are planning to collaborate for at least a portion
of our session with members of the “New Approaches to Plays from the
Spanish Golden Age” working group, and so also welcome papers that look
at the relationship between Shakespearean theatre and that of the
Spanish Golden Age.

Those wishing to propose a paper should submit a 200-word abstract and
50-word academic biographical statement, including current
affiliation(s), if any, by Monday, May 31st, 2010, to
don.weingust at sou.edu (proposals also can be mailed to Don Weingust,
Center for Shakespeare Studies, Southern Oregon University, 1250
Siskiyou Boulevard, Ashland, OR 97520).

Selected papers will be assigned to subgroups by the group’s conveners,
Catherine Burriss, Franklin J. Hildy, Robert Ormsby, Don Weingust and W.
B. Worthen, and the conveners will organize on-line communication of
subgroup members before the conference. At the three-hour conference
session, papers will be discussed first within the subgroups, after
which the groups will come together to exchange ideas.

More information about ASTR and the 2010 conference is available at

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Professor I. Benabu,
Dept. of Theatre Studies,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Mt. Scopus,
WebMail: benabu at mscc.huji.ac.il

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